Scott Randolph

Business Administration and Man年龄ment &  Faculty Athletic Rep - Business

Scott Randolph


Ph. D., Business and Economic History, Purdue University, 2009

M.A., History, The University of Akron, 2002

B.A., History, Rutgers University - Livingston College, 1993


P: 909.748.8536
E: scott_randolph@雷德兰兹.edu


文科是威尼斯人平台学生和教师经历的基础. 带我, for example: a historian by training, 谁在工商管理学院教书. 我很感激我在一所大学工作,我的同事们把教学和指导作为首要工作.

This is not to say that we neglect research. 我自己的作品研究的是国家之间复杂的关系, 的人, and business in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. My current research project, 题为, 管制会计:铁路价值评估与为行政国家寻找科学依据的渐进努力, 1900 - 1935," is a broad examination of the progressive faith in data, 计算, 工程通过35年的努力来计算全国每条铁路的物理价值.

Courses Taught

BUS 434 Applied Business Ethics

BUS 369 various topics

BUS 226 The Rise of American Capitalism, 1860 - 1932

FYS 100 Geo-Spatial Explorations in Digital Humanities

FYS 100 Tramps, Trainmen, and Travelers: History Unfiltered!


2018 - present: Managing Editor: H-Net/H-SHGAPE


2014 - 2016年:美国大学理事会大学先修课程美国历史阅读排名第一

2015年:在俾斯麦举行的北方大平原历史会议上,担任“大萧条时期生活”小组的主席和评论员, ND


2009 - present: On-line Editor: H-Net/H-SHGAPE

1998年至今:伊利·拉克万纳历史协会(在布法罗的遗产发现中心/钢铁厂博物馆举行)藏品馆长和副档案保管员, NY)


"Toward a New Railroad History? Limitations and Possibilities," review essay on Forging the Bee Line Railroad, 1848-1889:《威尼斯人平台》和《澳门威尼斯人官方网》. In Ohio Valley History 17, no. 3 (Fall 2017), 75–78

《北达科他州死亡的收获:煤炭的政治经济学, 铁路, and Weather in Early Progressive North Dakota," North Dakota History: Journal of the Northern Plains 80 no. 4 (December 2015), 14–30

《最宏伟的机器:美国采用铁路,1825-1862》,克雷格·米纳著. "Annals of Iowa" v. 70 no. 3 (Summer 2011), 262–264

《黑色铁路:20世纪末的美国西部," by Linda Niemann and Joel Jenson. "Technology and Culture" v. 52, (July 2011), 637–638

《善良、可靠的白人:铁路兄弟会,1877-1917》,保罗·米歇尔·泰永著. "Railroad History" 203 (Fall–Winter 2010), 85–86

Entries: "Adamson Act,”“厄德曼法案," and "Railway Labor Acts, 1920–1934," in Eric Arnesen, 利昂·芬克, 等, eds., "Encyclopedia of U. S. Labor and Working Class History," 3 vols., 纽约: Routledge, 2007: 14–16, 423, 1177–1180

《澳门威尼斯人官方网》,作者:唐·L. Hofsommer. "Railroad History" 195 (Fall–Winter 2006), 102

“扭曲的Rails, 沉船:19世纪汽船和铁路事故调查报告的修辞," 1833–1879, 用R. 约翰·布罗克. "Railroad History" 194 (Spring–Summer 2006), 107

《威尼斯人平台》,作者:Amy G. 里希特. "Railroad History" 193 (Fall–Winter 2005), 84–85

"American Steam on Australian Rails," by David Burke. "Railroad History" 192 (Spring–Summer 2005), 99–100

"The 纽约, Susquehanna and Western Railroad," 用Robert E. Mohowski. "Railroad History" 190 (Spring–Summer 2004), 125–126

《威尼斯人平台》,作者:Michael E. Zega and John E. 格鲁伯. "Railroad History" 188 (Spring–Summer 2003), 119

《威尼斯人平台》(Katy Northwest: The Story of a Branch Line Railroad),多诺万. Hofsommer. "Railroad History" 183 (Fall–Winter 2000), 130–131

Awards, Honors, Grants




Promoting Intellectual Eng年龄ment (PIE), Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Wyoming, 2009


约翰H. 白色,小., Research Fellowship from the Railroad & Locomotive Historical Society, 2017

理查德·C. 2017-2018列克星敦集团交通史奥弗顿研究奖学金 

弗吉尼亚凯利卡恩斯档案和特别收藏研究中心的研究旅行补助金, Purdue University, 2017




University of Redlands Innovation Fund, Spatial Communities of Practice Grant, Historical GIS lab, 2016年至今, one of five co-applicants 

Center for Spatial Studies, University of 雷德兰兹, 为期两年的空间实践社区资助,以支持一个新的历史GIS实践社区, one of five co-applicants, 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 academic years

Invited Presentations

"不完全是'新镀金时代'和轻率的历史比较的危险"在拉勒米, Wyoming Noon-Time Rotary Club, 7月27日

“新镀金时代”和镀金时代财富与不平等的现实," at the Emma Willard School, 特洛伊, 纽约, 6 February 2017

为什么《威尼斯人平台》不像听起来那么糟糕:探索交通的政治, 天气, and booster journalism in Early Progressive North Dakota," delivered to the President's High Table, University of 雷德兰兹, 2016年3月8日

“冷, 煤炭, 汽车, and North Dakota: 铁路 and the Winter of 1906-1907," Northern Great Plains History Conference, 大福克斯, ND, 15 October 2010

铁路和财产价值:总统货运车辆交换委员会, 1908-1909," Business History Conference Annual Meeting, 雅典, GA, 3月27日

"罗斯福政府对大屠杀的反应," for the University of Wyoming Hillel Association, 11 November 2009

《威尼斯人平台》和争取互惠滞期费:农民, 铁路, and Car Service, 1900 to 1910," Agricultural History Society Annual Meeting, 小石城, AR, 6月20日

"The Dilemma of Car Service: Markets, Manipulation and Oversight in Railway Interchange 1902–1923," Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, 纽约市, NY, 28–31 March 2008 (panel co-organizer)

"Playing by the Rules: Car Service, Private Action, and the Meaning of Exchange in the American Railway Industry, 1902–1917," at the Missouri Valley History Conference, 奥马哈, NE, 1–3 March 2007

“只见树木不见森林:经济转型时期的铁路高管和国家幽灵”, 1952–1960," at the Social Science History Association meeting, 波特兰, OR, 3–5 November 2005

“疼痛, 受伤, 和损失:20世纪30年代铁路索赔记录和工作的意义," at the Center for Working-Class Studies Conference, 扬斯敦 State University, 扬斯敦, OH, 21 May 2005 (panel co-organizer)

“战争的必要性可以告诉我们什么是有利于和平的,“希望, 冲突与谈判:1917年交通危机期间铁路行业的内部对话," at the Social Science History Association meeting, 芝加哥, IL, 20 November 2004

《情绪与安全:大萧条时期铁路工人面对工作与失业," at the North American Labor History Conference meeting, Wright State University, 底特律, MI, 23 October 2004 (panel co-organizer)

“游荡者, 锅炉制造厂, 《胸音:20世纪30年代工业俄亥俄州工作和失业的意义》," at the Ohio Academy of History, Heidelberg College, 吃午饭, OH, 16–17 April 2004 (panel co-organizer)

“流浪汉, Trainmen, and Travelers: Work, “大萧条时期的冲突与身份认同”在印第安纳州历史学家协会会议上, 印第安纳波利斯 University, 印第安纳波利斯, IN, 27–28 February 2004


"罗斯福政府对大屠杀的反应," for the University of Wyoming Hillel Association, 11 November 2009

"Private Efforts, 公共失败:1917年宾夕法尼亚铁路眼中的交通危机,在宾夕法尼亚历史博物馆委员会的办公室里, 哈里斯堡, 2 November 2006

交通遗产与保护:伊利拉克万纳历史学会收藏的档案理论与实践," at the 90th Annual Purdue Road School, Purdue University, 三月十一日



Member, Business History Conference

Member, Lexington Group in Transportation History

Member, Railroad & Locomotive Historical Society


Member, American Historical Association

Member, Organization of American Historians